How to Properly Pluck Hair from Your Dog's Ears: A Step-by-Step Guide.

How to properly pluck hair from a dog's ears To properly pluck hair from a dog's ears, you should use a quick and gentle motion to pluck the hair from your dog's ears. It should come out easily. If it doesn't, it's best not to pluck it. You can buy tweezers that have grips on the end specifically for plucking out dog's hair. Some professional dog groomers think that ear plucking should be a part of a dog's grooming regimen while others think it's not. Plucking the hair from the ear canal is a controversial topic in the dog grooming world. Some dog groomers claim that they see more ear infections in dogs that get their ears routinely plucked, while others claim just the opposite. If your dog has chronic ear infections, plucking inside their ears can help with air circulation, which helps keep moisture in the ear at bay. A great alternative to ear plucking is having your groomer trim down the inside of the dog's ear flap and carefully trim the hair...